** use 3-day running mean for IR image function plot(args) time1=subwrd(args, 1) *time1=12Z27nov2000 say time1 'reinit' 'open /export-4/sgi109/pacs/mcidas/data/global_ir/global_ir_geos_merged_half-deg/global_0.5deg_0.5hourly_tmp-lnx.ctl' 'open daily.clim.200chi.71-00.harm4.ctl' 'open /export-5/cacsrv1/gdas/6hr/pgb.ctl' 'enable print /disk2/irstat/web_plots/meta/am_ir_monthly_60E.meta' 'set gxout shaded' 'set grid off' *'set mpdset mres' *'run bw.gs' *'run /export/lnx196/yzhou/CWlink/IR/rgbset.gs' 'set grads off' 'set map 0 1 1' 'set lat -60 60' 'set lon 60 420' 'set time 'time1 'q dims' line5=sublin(result,5) tmp2=subwrd(line5,9) 'set t 'tmp2-72 'draw string 5.15 1.47 Degrees K' 'run /disk2/irstat/web_plots/web.specs.monthly' say 'd ave(tmpm,t='tmp2-143',t='tmp2',1,-b)/10' 'd ave(tmpm,t='tmp2-143',t='tmp2',1,-b)/10' *'d ave(tmpm,t-1,t+0)/10' 'run /disk2/irstat/web_plots/cbar1.gs' *'run /export/lnx196/yzhou/CWlink/IR/date.gs' 'draw string 5.5 6.55 'mydate() say mydate() ** compute velocity potential anom from current value and clim 'set dfile 3' 'set time 'time1 'set lat -60 60' 'set lon 60 420' 'set lev 200' say 'define vpot1=ave(vpot.3,t-11,t+0,1,-b)' 'define vpot1=ave(vpot.3,t-11,t+0,1,-b)' ** year in control file for climo should be the current year 'set dfile 2' 'set t last' 'q dims' line5=sublin(result,5) ndays=subwrd(line5,9) 'set time 'time1 'q dims' line5=sublin(result,5) tmp2=subwrd(line5,9) if (tmp2 > 1 ) tmp1=tmp2-1 else tmp1=ndays endif if (tmp2=ndays) tmp3=1 else tmp3=tmp2+1 endif 'set lat -60 60' 'set lon 60 420' 'set lev 200' say 'define vpot0=(vpot.2(t='tmp1')+vpot.2(t='tmp2')+vpot.2(t='tmp3'))/3.0' 'define vpot0=(vpot.2(t='tmp1')+vpot.2(t='tmp2')+vpot.2(t='tmp3'))/3.0' say 'define anom=vpot1-vpot0' 'run rgbset.gs' 'define anom=vpot1-vpot0' 'set gxout contour' 'set clab off' 'set ccolor 1' 'set cthick 8' 'set grads off' 'set clevs -12e+6 -10e+6 -8e+6 -6e+6 -4e+6 -2e+6 2e+6 4e+6 6e+6 8e+6 10e+6 12e+6' 'set ccols 36 36 36 36 36 36 77 77 77 77 77 77' *'set cstyle 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1' 'd anom' 'print' 'disable print' 'quit' function mydate 'query time' sres = subwrd(result,3) i = 1 while (substr(sres,i,1)!='Z') i = i + 1 endwhile hour = substr(sres,1,i) isav = i i = i + 1 while (substr(sres,i,1)>='0' & substr(sres,i,1)<='9') i = i + 1 endwhile day = substr(sres,isav+1,i-isav-1) month = substr(sres,i,3) year = substr(sres,i+3,4) return (day' 'month' 'year)