HOW TO MANAGE CFS HINDCAST DATA 1) Run to get CFS members from archives. This program also averages twice daily data into once daily. 2) Run to extract each fcst lead from all members and place it into seperate files 3) Run to rename the files mth/memb/year.dat (RUN FOR ONE LEAD so can see what is missing-- see NOTE) 4) Run script to generate chronological list to read into fortran program 5) Run concatdailyfiles.f to concatnate files at each lead MAY WANT TO TRIM LATITUDES AT THIS POINT AS NEXT PROGRAM IS TIME INTENSIVE 6) Run interpCFS.m to interpolate files for each lead (1.5hrs each lead) (indx.m creates the index) NOTE: If anything fails (i.e. days skipped) it will be clear when is run. If it is missing then fill using * scripts