Soil Moisture ENSO Composites

LaNina Years
Neutral Years
ElNino Years

1. The composites are based on DJF ENSO episodes. 1999 means 1998/1999 DJF 
LaNina years in DJF: 1934,1943,1950,1951,1956,1971,1974,1976,1989,1999;
ElNino years in DJF: 1941,1958,1966,1973,1983,1987,1988,1992,1995,1998;
Neutral years in DJF: all other years
2. months in year0: are months before the key DJF; 
months in year1: are months after the key DJF. 
3. The anomalies are defined as departures from 1971-2000 climatology. 
4. An example (Nov. 2000) to show how to use those composites:
Depending on judgement we are either (1) just before a neutral DJF, Nov.(yr0), or (2) Some 10 months after a La Nina DJF, Nov (yr1), or (3) Just before another La Nina DJF, Nov (yr0).
There is some variability around a generally dry nation. One thing to remember is that La Nina and Neutral have in common that they are NOT El Nino. During El Nino the anomalies are large, and for anomalies to add up to zero (over the period of 1971 to 2000), the opposite of El Nino can be seen in both neutral and La Nina years.