The canonical correlation analysis (CCA)
forecast of SST in the central Pacific (Barnett et al. 1988, Science, 241,
192-196; Barnston and Ropelewski
1992, J. Climate, 5, 1316-1345), is shown in Figs. F1 and F2. This forecast
is produced routinely by the Prediction Branch of the Climate
Prediction Center
. The predictions from the
National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Coupled Forecast System
Model (CFS03) are presented in Figs. F3 and
Predictions from the Markov model (Xue, et al.
2000: J. Climate, 13, 849-871) are shown in Figs. F5 and F6. Predictions from the latest version of the
LDEO model (Chen et al. 2000: Geophys. Res.
Let., 27, 2585-2587) are shown in Figs. F7
and F8. Predictions
from the ENSO-CLIPER statistical model (Knaff and Landsea 1997, Wea.
Forecasting, 12, 633-652) are shown in Fig. F9. Niņo 3.4 predictions are summarized in Fig.
F10, provided by the Forecasting and Prediction
Research Group of the IRI.
The CPC and the contributors to the Forecast
Forum caution potential users of this predictive information that they can
expect only modest skill.