CORe Evaluation Data Sets
CORe is an atmospheric reanalysis from the Climate Prediction Center NCEP/NWS/NOAA
with collaboration with Environmental Modeling Center NCEP/NWS/NOAA and Physical Sciences
Laboratory NOAA.
CORe is designed to replace CDAS (real-time extension to NCEP/NCAR
Reanalysis). CORe covers a similar period of time
(1950 to real time vs 1948 to real time), and was designed for
climate monitoring, one of the Climate Prediction Center's major
tasks. Unlike most modern reanalyses, CORe does not assimilate satellite
data except for Atmospheric Motion Vectors (AMV). This was done
to eliminate spurious "climate shifts" caused by the ingest of satellite
data. This problem affected the earlier NCEP/NCAR and Climate Forecast
System Reanalyses. This design emphasizes improving the climate trends
and anomalies over getting the best state for a forecast.
This web page provides information on the data that will be available from CORe,
and a description of the look alike files which are CORe files that looks like
the CDAS (NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis) pgb and flux files.
CORe vs CDAS Output
CORe output is much different from the CDAS output. This is natural
because much has changed in the 30 years since CDAS was developed.
CORe is a modern reanalysis, so it uses a modern model, modern formats and
the needs of the users have changed.
grid format grib version 2 grib version 1
output frequency every 3 hours every 6 hours
pgb grid 512 x 256 Gaussian grid 144 x 73 latitude-longitude grid
flux grid 512 x 256 Gaussian grid 192 x 94 Gaussian grid
post processor NCEP post, simple post MRF post, isentropic post, sigma post
high prec output nemsio binary *grib has reduced prec
restart files some (6 every 24 hours) yes (1 every 6 hours)
ensemble members 80 no
ensemble statistics yes no
extended forecasts no yes
fields on model Z yes (nemsio) spectral and grid
isentropic no yes
sigma no yes
model FV3GFS (UFS) MRF
X-Y C128 cubed sphere T62 Gaussian grid
resolution about 0.7 degree about 2 degrees
number of Z 64 layers 28 levels
Z coordinates pressure-sigma sigma
pressure non-hydrostatic hydrostatic
clouds prognostic diagnostic
sea ice observed fractional observed either 0% or 100% ice covered
land surface model Noah OSU
soil layers 4 2
ensemble 80 members 1 (not ensemble based)
data assimilation Ensemble Kalman Filter 3-D Var
original # cpus 720 1/3 of Cray XP
current # cpus 128 (small) or 256 (fast) 1
The output from CORe has changed reflecting a changing demand. Extended
forecasts were expensive to produce and store. They were used to
evaluate the (relative) quality of the analyses. Now we evaluate the
quality of the analyses by comparing to other reanalyses. Isentropic analyses are
not available because the lack of an operational isentropic post processor
suggesting that there are fewer users.
The sigma analyses were grib files on the MRF model's native vertical coordinates.
One can generate grib2 files on the CORe model's native vertical coordinates
with the program "gfsnemsio2grb". All the flux
and pgb files are on a 512x256 Gaussian grid which is the data assimilation
grid. Using modern software (ex. wgrib2), fields can be regridded to
the user's grid which could potentially eliminate a double interpolation.
Sample CORe Output
One day's output from CORe can be found at
Missing are the diagnostic files which are netcdf files which
contain the observations and corresponding analysis and forecast.
The diagnostic files are missing because they contain
restricted data.
Software to remove the restricted observations needs to developed before the diagnostic files
can be released to the public.
Missing are the raw observations (bufr format) which are identical to thosed used
by CDAS.
The sample does do not include the monthly means. Operations will not be making
monthly means which will be will be created and distributed by CPC.
Primary Output, 3 hourly, grib version 2
Directory Structure:
YYYYMMDDHH analysis cycle (6 hourly)
flx_yyyymmhh_mem0XX.grb flux files yyyymmddhh for ensemble member XX
flx_yyyymmhh_mem0XX.grb.idx index file
flx_yyyymmhh_ensmean.grb flux files yyyymmddhh for ensemble mean
flx_yyyymmhh_mem0XX.grb.idx index file
flx_yyyymmddhh_ensstats.grb flux ensemble statistics for yyyymmddhh
flx_yyyymmddhh_ensstats.grb.idx index file
pgb_yyyymmddhh_ensmean pgb for yyyymmddhh (ensemble mean) created by ncep post (UPP)
pgb_yyyymmddhh_ensmean.idx index file
spost simple post
YYYYMMDDHH analysis cycle (6 hourly)
pgb_yyyymmddhh_mem0XX.grb spost pgb for yyyymmddhh ensemble member XX
pgb_yyyymmddhh_mem0XX.grb.idx index file
pgb_yyyymmddhh_ensmean.grb spost ensemble mean pgb for yyyymmddhh
pgb_yyyymmddhh_ensmean.grb.idx index file
pgb_yyyymmddhh_ensstats.grb spost pgb ensemble statisticss for yyyymmddhh
pgb_yyyymmddhh_ensstats.grb.idx index file
CORe Output: formats
The primary CORe output are written in grib version 2. There are many
software packages that can read grib version 2. All the grib files
have associated *.idx files. These are human-readable index/inventory
files which are used by the NCEP nomads site for random-access downloads.
CORe Output: CDAS look alike files (1950-2023+)
The CDAS look alike files will not be part of the Operational production,
and they consist of pgb and flux files in format and
grid of the CDAS pgb and flux files. The data cdas be found at
The plan to to update the look-alike files monthly in a non-operational process
until the CORe 1950-present grib version 2 files are available from an
archive site. The CDAS look alike files are for evaluation and for the
period time until a public archive site is available. The purpose of the
extension is to allow people to start using CORe for climate monitoring
before an archive site is available.
The grids were interpolated using a bilinear interpolation using wgrib2's -new_grid
option. This bilinear interpolation includes the precipitation fields.
1:4:d=1950010100:CPRAT:sfc:0-6hr ave:NAve=0
2:24912:d=1950010100:CSDLF:sfc:0-6hr ave:NAve=0
3:61100:d=1950010100:CSDSF:sfc:0-6hr ave:NAve=0
4:95032:d=1950010100:CSULF:nom. top:0-6hr ave:NAve=0
5:131220:d=1950010100:CSUSF:nom. top:0-6hr ave:NAve=0
6:167408:d=1950010100:CSUSF:sfc:0-6hr ave:NAve=0
7:203596:d=1950010100:CWORK:atmos col:0-6hr ave:NAve=0
8:239784:d=1950010100:DLWRF:sfc:0-6hr ave:NAve=0
9:275972:d=1950010100:DSWRF:nom. top:0-6hr ave:NAve=0
10:312160:d=1950010100:DSWRF:sfc:0-6hr ave:NAve=0
11:348348:d=1950010100:GFLUX:sfc:0-6hr ave:NAve=0
12:362844:d=1950010100:ICEC:sfc:6hr fcst:NAve=0
13:389152:d=1950010100:LAND:sfc:6hr fcst:NAve=0
14:425340:d=1950010100:LHTFL:sfc:0-6hr ave:NAve=0
15:461528:d=1950010100:NBDSF:sfc:0-6hr ave:NAve=0
16:497716:d=1950010100:NDDSF:sfc:0-6hr ave:NAve=0
17:533904:d=1950010100:PEVPR:sfc:6hr fcst:NAve=0
18:548400:d=1950010100:PRATE:sfc:0-6hr ave:NAve=0
19:575564:d=1950010100:PRES:sfc:6hr fcst:NAve=0
20:611752:d=1950010100:PWAT:atmos col:6hr fcst:NAve=0
21:647940:d=1950010100:RUNOF:sfc:0-6hr acc:NAve=0
22:662436:d=1950010100:SFCR:sfc:6hr fcst:NAve=0
23:676932:d=1950010100:SHTFL:sfc:0-6hr ave:NAve=0
24:713120:d=1950010100:SNOEV:sfc:0-6hr ave:NAve=0
25:749308:d=1950010100:SNOHF:sfc:0-6hr ave:NAve=0
26:783240:d=1950010100:SOILW:0-10 cm down:6hr fcst:NAve=0
27:797736:d=1950010100:SPFH:2 m above gnd:6hr fcst:NAve=0
28:833924:d=1950010100:TCDC:high cld lay:0-6hr ave:NAve=0
29:870112:d=1950010100:TCDC:mid cld lay:0-6hr ave:NAve=0
30:906300:d=1950010100:TCDC:low cld lay:0-6hr ave:NAve=0
31:942488:d=1950010100:TMAX:2 m above gnd:valid 0-6hr:NAve=0
32:978676:d=1950010100:TMIN:2 m above gnd:valid 0-6hr:NAve=0
33:1014864:d=1950010100:TMP:sfc:6hr fcst:NAve=0
34:1051052:d=1950010100:TMP:2 m above gnd:6hr fcst:NAve=0
35:1087240:d=1950010100:UFLX:sfc:0-6hr ave:NAve=0
36:1121172:d=1950010100:UGRD:10 m above gnd:6hr fcst:NAve=0
37:1155104:d=1950010100:U-GWD:sfc:0-6hr ave:NAve=0
38:1189036:d=1950010100:ULWRF:nom. top:0-6hr ave:NAve=0
39:1225224:d=1950010100:ULWRF:sfc:0-6hr ave:NAve=0
40:1261412:d=1950010100:USWRF:nom. top:0-6hr ave:NAve=0
41:1297600:d=1950010100:USWRF:sfc:0-6hr ave:NAve=0
42:1333788:d=1950010100:VBDSF:sfc:0-6hr ave:NAve=0
43:1369976:d=1950010100:VDDSF:sfc:0-6hr ave:NAve=0
44:1406164:d=1950010100:VFLX:sfc:0-6hr ave:NAve=0
45:1440096:d=1950010100:VGRD:10 m above gnd:6hr fcst:NAve=0
46:1474028:d=1950010100:V-GWD:sfc:0-6hr ave:NAve=0
47:1507960:d=1950010100:WEASD:sfc:6hr fcst:NAve=0
48:1541892:d=1950010100:TCDC:atmos col:0-6hr ave:NAve=0
49:1578080:d=1950010100:SOILW:10-200 cm down:6hr fcst:NAve=0
50:1589540:d=1950010100:TMP:0-10 cm down:6hr fcst:NAve=0
51:1604036:d=1950010100:TMP:10-200 cm down:6hr fcst:NAve=0
Note: the "6hr fcst" is really the analysis valid at the verfication time.
Note: the "0-6hr ave" is really the average of two 0-3 hour averages.
Missing from CORe:
CDCON convective cloud cover
CFNLF, CFNSF cloud forcing
CDLYR non-convective cloud cover
MLYNO model cloud amounts by layer (CORe: CLMR cloud mixing ratio in pgb)
SRWEQ Snowfall Rate Water Equivalent
CORe: CPOFP Percent frozen precipitation
The pgb files are on a 144x73 2.5 degree grid and have an inventory
1:4:d=1950010100:HGT:1000 mb:anl:NAve=0
2:21120:d=1950010100:HGT:925 mb:anl:NAve=0
3:42236:d=1950010100:HGT:850 mb:anl:NAve=0
4:63352:d=1950010100:HGT:700 mb:anl:NAve=0
5:83154:d=1950010100:HGT:600 mb:anl:NAve=0
6:104270:d=1950010100:HGT:500 mb:anl:NAve=0
7:125386:d=1950010100:HGT:400 mb:anl:NAve=0
8:146502:d=1950010100:HGT:300 mb:anl:NAve=0
9:167618:d=1950010100:HGT:250 mb:anl:NAve=0
10:188734:d=1950010100:HGT:200 mb:anl:NAve=0
11:209850:d=1950010100:HGT:150 mb:anl:NAve=0
12:230966:d=1950010100:HGT:100 mb:anl:NAve=0
13:252082:d=1950010100:HGT:70 mb:anl:NAve=0
14:273198:d=1950010100:HGT:50 mb:anl:NAve=0
15:294314:d=1950010100:HGT:30 mb:anl:NAve=0
16:315430:d=1950010100:HGT:20 mb:anl:NAve=0
17:336546:d=1950010100:HGT:10 mb:anl:NAve=0
18:357662:d=1950010100:UGRD:1000 mb:anl:NAve=0
19:373522:d=1950010100:UGRD:925 mb:anl:NAve=0
20:390696:d=1950010100:UGRD:850 mb:anl:NAve=0
21:407870:d=1950010100:UGRD:700 mb:anl:NAve=0
22:425044:d=1950010100:UGRD:600 mb:anl:NAve=0
23:442218:d=1950010100:UGRD:500 mb:anl:NAve=0
24:459392:d=1950010100:UGRD:400 mb:anl:NAve=0
25:476566:d=1950010100:UGRD:300 mb:anl:NAve=0
26:495054:d=1950010100:UGRD:250 mb:anl:NAve=0
27:513542:d=1950010100:UGRD:200 mb:anl:NAve=0
28:532030:d=1950010100:UGRD:150 mb:anl:NAve=0
29:550518:d=1950010100:UGRD:100 mb:anl:NAve=0
30:567692:d=1950010100:UGRD:70 mb:anl:NAve=0
31:584866:d=1950010100:UGRD:50 mb:anl:NAve=0
32:602040:d=1950010100:UGRD:30 mb:anl:NAve=0
33:619214:d=1950010100:UGRD:20 mb:anl:NAve=0
34:636388:d=1950010100:UGRD:10 mb:anl:NAve=0
35:654876:d=1950010100:VGRD:1000 mb:anl:NAve=0
36:670736:d=1950010100:VGRD:925 mb:anl:NAve=0
37:687910:d=1950010100:VGRD:850 mb:anl:NAve=0
38:703770:d=1950010100:VGRD:700 mb:anl:NAve=0
39:720944:d=1950010100:VGRD:600 mb:anl:NAve=0
40:738118:d=1950010100:VGRD:500 mb:anl:NAve=0
41:755292:d=1950010100:VGRD:400 mb:anl:NAve=0
42:773780:d=1950010100:VGRD:300 mb:anl:NAve=0
43:792268:d=1950010100:VGRD:250 mb:anl:NAve=0
44:810756:d=1950010100:VGRD:200 mb:anl:NAve=0
45:827930:d=1950010100:VGRD:150 mb:anl:NAve=0
46:845104:d=1950010100:VGRD:100 mb:anl:NAve=0
47:862278:d=1950010100:VGRD:70 mb:anl:NAve=0
48:879452:d=1950010100:VGRD:50 mb:anl:NAve=0
49:896626:d=1950010100:VGRD:30 mb:anl:NAve=0
50:913800:d=1950010100:VGRD:20 mb:anl:NAve=0
51:930974:d=1950010100:VGRD:10 mb:anl:NAve=0
52:948148:d=1950010100:TMP:1000 mb:anl:NAve=0
53:961380:d=1950010100:TMP:925 mb:anl:NAve=0
54:974612:d=1950010100:TMP:850 mb:anl:NAve=0
55:987844:d=1950010100:TMP:700 mb:anl:NAve=0
56:1001076:d=1950010100:TMP:600 mb:anl:NAve=0
57:1012994:d=1950010100:TMP:500 mb:anl:NAve=0
58:1024912:d=1950010100:TMP:400 mb:anl:NAve=0
59:1036830:d=1950010100:TMP:300 mb:anl:NAve=0
60:1048748:d=1950010100:TMP:250 mb:anl:NAve=0
61:1059352:d=1950010100:TMP:200 mb:anl:NAve=0
62:1069956:d=1950010100:TMP:150 mb:anl:NAve=0
63:1081874:d=1950010100:TMP:100 mb:anl:NAve=0
64:1093792:d=1950010100:TMP:70 mb:anl:NAve=0
65:1105710:d=1950010100:TMP:50 mb:anl:NAve=0
66:1117628:d=1950010100:TMP:30 mb:anl:NAve=0
67:1129546:d=1950010100:TMP:20 mb:anl:NAve=0
68:1141464:d=1950010100:TMP:10 mb:anl:NAve=0
69:1154696:d=1950010100:VVEL:1000 mb:anl:NAve=0
70:1174498:d=1950010100:VVEL:925 mb:anl:NAve=0
71:1194300:d=1950010100:VVEL:850 mb:anl:NAve=0
72:1214102:d=1950010100:VVEL:700 mb:anl:NAve=0
73:1233904:d=1950010100:VVEL:600 mb:anl:NAve=0
74:1252392:d=1950010100:VVEL:500 mb:anl:NAve=0
75:1270880:d=1950010100:VVEL:400 mb:anl:NAve=0
76:1289368:d=1950010100:VVEL:300 mb:anl:NAve=0
77:1307856:d=1950010100:VVEL:250 mb:anl:NAve=0
78:1327658:d=1950010100:VVEL:200 mb:anl:NAve=0
79:1348774:d=1950010100:VVEL:150 mb:anl:NAve=0
80:1368576:d=1950010100:VVEL:100 mb:anl:NAve=0
81:1387064:d=1950010100:RH:1000 mb:anl:NAve=0
82:1400296:d=1950010100:RH:925 mb:anl:NAve=0
83:1413528:d=1950010100:RH:850 mb:anl:NAve=0
84:1426760:d=1950010100:RH:700 mb:anl:NAve=0
85:1439992:d=1950010100:RH:600 mb:anl:NAve=0
86:1453224:d=1950010100:RH:500 mb:anl:NAve=0
87:1466456:d=1950010100:RH:400 mb:anl:NAve=0
88:1479688:d=1950010100:RH:300 mb:anl:NAve=0
89:1492920:d=1950010100:ABSV:1000 mb:anl:NAve=0
90:1510094:d=1950010100:ABSV:925 mb:anl:NAve=0
91:1527268:d=1950010100:ABSV:850 mb:anl:NAve=0
92:1544442:d=1950010100:ABSV:700 mb:anl:NAve=0
93:1561616:d=1950010100:ABSV:600 mb:anl:NAve=0
94:1578790:d=1950010100:ABSV:500 mb:anl:NAve=0
95:1595964:d=1950010100:ABSV:400 mb:anl:NAve=0
96:1613138:d=1950010100:ABSV:300 mb:anl:NAve=0
97:1630312:d=1950010100:ABSV:250 mb:anl:NAve=0
98:1646172:d=1950010100:ABSV:200 mb:anl:NAve=0
99:1662032:d=1950010100:ABSV:150 mb:anl:NAve=0
100:1677892:d=1950010100:ABSV:100 mb:anl:NAve=0
101:1693752:d=1950010100:ABSV:70 mb:anl:NAve=0
102:1709612:d=1950010100:ABSV:50 mb:anl:NAve=0
103:1725472:d=1950010100:ABSV:30 mb:anl:NAve=0
104:1741332:d=1950010100:ABSV:20 mb:anl:NAve=0
105:1757192:d=1950010100:ABSV:10 mb:anl:NAve=0
106:1773052:d=1950010100:UGRD:30-0 mb above gnd:anl:NAve=0
107:1788912:d=1950010100:VGRD:30-0 mb above gnd:anl:NAve=0
108:1804772:d=1950010100:TMP:30-0 mb above gnd:anl:NAve=0
109:1818004:d=1950010100:RH:30-0 mb above gnd:anl:NAve=0
110:1827294:d=1950010100:UGRD:1829 m above MSL:anl:NAve=0
111:1843038:d=1950010100:UGRD:2743 m above MSL:anl:NAve=0
112:1860616:d=1950010100:VGRD:1829 m above MSL:anl:NAve=0
113:1876360:d=1950010100:VGRD:2743 m above MSL:anl:NAve=0
115:1913740:d=1950010100:RH:atmos col:anl:NAve=0
123:2028794:d=1950010100:TMP:max wind lev:anl:NAve=0
124:2042026:d=1950010100:PRES:max wind lev:anl:NAve=0
125:2063142:d=1950010100:UGRD:max wind lev:anl:NAve=0
126:2077688:d=1950010100:VGRD:max wind lev:anl:NAve=0
128:2112036:d=1950010100:RH:sigma 0.44-1.00:anl:NAve=0
129:2121326:d=1950010100:RH:sigma 0.72-0.94:anl:NAve=0
130:2134558:d=1950010100:RH:sigma 0.44-0.72:anl:NAve=0
137:2244264:d=1950010100:SPFH:1000 mb:anl:NAve=0
138:2260124:d=1950010100:SPFH:925 mb:anl:NAve=0
139:2274670:d=1950010100:SPFH:850 mb:anl:NAve=0
140:2289216:d=1950010100:SPFH:700 mb:anl:NAve=0
141:2303762:d=1950010100:SPFH:600 mb:anl:NAve=0
142:2320936:d=1950010100:SPFH:500 mb:anl:NAve=0
143:2336796:d=1950010100:SPFH:400 mb:anl:NAve=0
144:2351342:d=1950010100:SPFH:300 mb:anl:NAve=0
145:2368516:d=1950010100:STRM:1000 mb:anl:NAve=0
146:2389632:d=1950010100:VPOT:1000 mb:anl:NAve=0
147:2410748:d=1950010100:STRM:925 mb:anl:NAve=0
148:2431864:d=1950010100:VPOT:925 mb:anl:NAve=0
149:2452980:d=1950010100:STRM:850 mb:anl:NAve=0
150:2474096:d=1950010100:VPOT:850 mb:anl:NAve=0
151:2495212:d=1950010100:STRM:700 mb:anl:NAve=0
152:2516328:d=1950010100:VPOT:700 mb:anl:NAve=0
153:2537444:d=1950010100:STRM:600 mb:anl:NAve=0
154:2558560:d=1950010100:VPOT:600 mb:anl:NAve=0
155:2579676:d=1950010100:STRM:500 mb:anl:NAve=0
156:2600792:d=1950010100:VPOT:500 mb:anl:NAve=0
157:2621908:d=1950010100:STRM:400 mb:anl:NAve=0
158:2643024:d=1950010100:VPOT:400 mb:anl:NAve=0
159:2664140:d=1950010100:STRM:300 mb:anl:NAve=0
160:2685256:d=1950010100:VPOT:300 mb:anl:NAve=0
161:2706372:d=1950010100:STRM:250 mb:anl:NAve=0
162:2727488:d=1950010100:VPOT:250 mb:anl:NAve=0
163:2748604:d=1950010100:STRM:200 mb:anl:NAve=0
164:2769720:d=1950010100:VPOT:200 mb:anl:NAve=0
165:2790836:d=1950010100:STRM:150 mb:anl:NAve=0
166:2811952:d=1950010100:VPOT:150 mb:anl:NAve=0
167:2833068:d=1950010100:STRM:100 mb:anl:NAve=0
168:2854184:d=1950010100:VPOT:100 mb:anl:NAve=0
169:2875300:d=1950010100:STRM:70 mb:anl:NAve=0
170:2896416:d=1950010100:VPOT:70 mb:anl:NAve=0
171:2917532:d=1950010100:STRM:50 mb:anl:NAve=0
172:2938648:d=1950010100:VPOT:50 mb:anl:NAve=0
173:2959764:d=1950010100:STRM:30 mb:anl:NAve=0
174:2980880:d=1950010100:VPOT:30 mb:anl:NAve=0
175:3001996:d=1950010100:STRM:20 mb:anl:NAve=0
176:3023112:d=1950010100:VPOT:20 mb:anl:NAve=0
177:3044228:d=1950010100:STRM:10 mb:anl:NAve=0
178:3065344:d=1950010100:VPOT:10 mb:anl:NAve=0
RELV (relative vorticity), RELD (divergence): need to be computed from U/V by the user
PWAT: in CORe flux file
PRMSL: CORe, use PRES at mean sea level, uses same method of computation
3658 m above MSL: not available in CORe
Directory Structure
grb2dYYYYMMDDHH flux file for YYYYMMDDHH
pgb.f00YYYYMMDDHH pgb file for YYYYMMDDHH
grb2dYYYYMMDD month-average flux file for YYYYMMDD
pgb.f00YYYYMMDD month-average pgb file for YYYYMMDD
All grib files have a corresponding *.idx which serves as a human readable
file inventory. The *.idx files can be used for downlaoding selected fields
fast grib downloading.
CORe secondary output: bfg, sfg
The bfg and sfg are FV3GFS model states which can be used as
forecast restart files and as inputs to the post processors.
The bfg_grb2 is conversion of the bfg (flux) nemsio file to
grib using the program "gfsnemsio2grb".
The time stamp convention is confusing.
YYYYMMDDHH = assimilation cycle, every 6 hours, 00/06/12/18Z
uses observations YYYYMMDDHH +/- 3 hours
The assimilation cycle runs a forecast that has an incremental update
which is how the observations influence the analysis, then the forecast
is continued without forcing. This unforced extention of the forecast is
used as the analyses, and the first guess for next data assimilation cycle.
fhr03 03Z, 09Z, 15Z or 21Z analysis
fhr06 06Z, 12Z, 19Z or 00Z analysis, 3 hour extension of the fhr03 forecast
fhr09 6 hour extension of the fhr03 forecast
bfg_nemsio bfg nemsio format file
YYYYMMDDHH analysis cycle
bfg_yyyymmddhh_fhrN_mem0ZZ.gz gzip compressed bfg ensemble member nemsio file
bfg_yyyymmddhh_fhrN_ensmean.gz gzip compressed bfg ensemble meannemsio file
bfg_grb2 bfg nemsio converted to grib2
YYYYMMDDHH analysis cycle
bfg_yyyymmddhh_fhrN_mem0ZZ.grb bfg ensemble member grib file
bfg_yyyymmddhh_fhrN_ensmean.grb bfg ensemble-mean grib file
ensmean bfg, sfg ensemble mean nemsio
TYPE_yyyymmddhh_fhrN_ensmean nemsio ensemble mean bfg or sfg
TYPE=bfg or sfg
ens_nemsio restart files for 6 ensemble members every 24 hours
YYYYMMDDHH analysis time only on 18Z
bfg_yyyymmddhh_fhr06_mem0ZZ.gz gzip compressed bfg ensemble member nemsio file
sfg_yyyymmddhh_fhr06_mem0ZZ.gz gzip compressed sfg ensemble member nemsio file
ZZ=12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72
The timestamps used by the data assimilation within CORe is confusing because there
is the data assimilation time cycle, and forecast times. CORe then selects
two of the forecast times to be the CORe analysis times. So you have three
different times. This is illustrated in the bfg_grb2 files.
YYYYMMDDHH assimination cycle, observations +/- 3 hours
yyyymmddhh forecast cycle, YYYYMMDDHH + 6 hours
fhr03 used as an analysis by CORe
fhr06 used as an analysis by CORe
fhr09 used as an forecast by CORe
There is an assimilation cycle every 6 hours.
Two CORe analyses are generated by one short range forecast.
The forecast consists of the first part being "forced" by
the incremental update. The second part is a "free" forecast.
The CORe analyses are from the free portion of the forecast.
The timing of the bfg_grb2 are the nemsio files generated by
the forecast step.
Comments: cc: