NOAA Climate Test Bed Meeting

NCWCP, College Park, MD, November 9-10, 2015

Advancing climate science & services at NOAA’s Climate Program Office (Higgins) NOAA CTB overview (Huang) MAPP Program (Mariotti) NGGPS Program (Toepfer) NCEP/EMC operations, gaps and requirements (Tolman) NCEP/CPC operations, gaps and requirements (DeWitt) NWS regional and local service needs (Horsfall) Highlight of CTB recent R2O/O2R accomplishments: NMME (Kirtman) Cloud and boundary layer Climate Process Team (CPT) (Bretherton) A CPT for improving turbulence and cloud processes in NCEP global models (Krueger) Cloud microphysics and their interactions with aerosols (Lu) Improving CFS representation of soil-hydrology-vegetation (Chen) Advances in lake-effect process prediction within CFS for N. America (Jin)Assessment of CFS predictions of U.S. severe weather activity (Tippett) Subseasonal NMME forecasts: skill, predictability, and MME combinations (Delsole) Development of new forecast products for weeks 3 and 4 (Jonnson)
Participant List   

The CTB Meeting is organized by CTB Management Team (CTB, MAPP, NCEP, NWS/OSTI). The purpose of the CTB Meeting is:

  1. To present CTB ongoing activities and discuss the R2O/O2R process,

  2. To discuss potential future CTB directions based on NWS operational requirements and science advances/opportunities to help inform the updated CTB 5-10 year Science Plan and Implementation Strategy, in preparation.

AGENDA   (Final)                                Print Version

Day 1 (Nov. 9)
Session 1  Overviews (Chair: Huang)
08:30 Welcome and logistics (Huang)
08:40 NOAA focus on advancing the R2O process: implications for the Climate Test Bed (Uccellini (Uccellini and and McLean)
09:20 Advancing climate science & services at NOAA’s Climate Program Office (Higgins)
09:40 NOAA CTB overview (Huang)
10:00 MAPP Program (Mariotti)
10:20 NGGPS Program (Toepfer)
10:40 Break
Session 1 Overviews - Cont. (Chair: Mariotti)
11:00 NCEP/EMC operations, gaps and requirements (Tolman)
11:20 NCEP/CPC operations, gaps and requirements (DeWitt)
11:40 NWS regional and local service needs (Horsfall)
12:00 Highlight of CTB recent R2O/O2R accomplishments: NMME (Kirtman)
12:20 Lunch
Session 2a Ongoing CTB project reports Modeling (Chairs: Tolman and Ek)
13:20 Cloud and boundary layer Climate Process Team (CPT) (Bretherton)
13:40 A CPT for improving turbulence and cloud processes in NCEP global models (Krueger)
14:00 Cloud microphysics and their interactions with aerosols (Lu)
14:20 Improving CFS representation of soil-hydrology-vegetation (Chen)
14:40 Advances in lake-effect process prediction within CFS for N. America (Jin)
15:00 Discussion on progress, issues and overall projects’ contribution to CFSv3 and NGGPS model development
15:30 Break
Session 2b Ongoing MAPPCTB project reports – Prediction (Chair: DeWitt)
15:50 Assessment of CFS predictions of U.S. severe weather activity (Tippett)
16:10 Probabilistic forecast products for the NMME seasonal forecast system (Barnston and and van den Dool)
16:30 Subseasonal NMME forecasts: skill, predictability, and MME combinations (Delsole)
16:50 Development of new forecast products for weeks 3 and 4 (Jonnson)
17:10 Discussion on progress, issues and overall projects’ contribution to NWS prediction suite
17:40 Adjourn


Informal dinner gathering

To Day 2


The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining.

 ~ J. F. Kennedy        




