4. Regional climate highlights

a. Europe/northwestern Africa

During NDJF 1995/96 the strong southern branch of the Atlantic jet stream brought enhanced storm activity and an enhanced flow of marine air into southern Europe and contributed to abnormally wet and warm conditions from Portugal and northern Morocco eastward to Turkey (Figs. 35b and 36a , respectively). Precipitation totals exceeded 250 mm above average in Portugal and extreme northwestern Morocco and ranged from 50-150 mm above average across Spain, southern France, and southern Italy (Fig. 35b). In Spain, this precipitation alleviated severe drought conditions that had plagued the region for the past several years. Locally, record annual totals were recorded in Gibraltar (1771 mm compared to a mean of 775 mm), Malaga (1155 mm compared to a mean of 500 mm), Casablanca (1168 mm compared to a mean of 523 mm), and Essuaria (830 mm compared to a mean of 297 mm).

Temperatures during NDJF 1995/96 averaged 1°-2oC above normal across southern Europe and northern Africa (Fig. 36a). Farther north, reduced storm activity and a reduced flow of marine air into northern Europe and southern Scandinavia contributed to the abnormally dry and colder than normal conditions. For the period as a whole, precipitation totals averaged 50-200 mm below average throughout northern Europe, northern Great Britain, and Scandinavia, while temperatures averaged 1°-3oC below normal throughout northern Europe and western Russia. In Belgium, this dryness contributed to the lowest July 1995-July 1996 precipitation totals since regular observations started in 1833. For England and Wales, 1996 was the third driest year since records began in 1766.