This page provides near real time week 2 (8-14 day) forecasts for the fire indicators and fire-weather related meteorological variables based on the fire weather forecast system ( Worsnop et al. 2020 and 2021 ) developed at NOAA/Earth System Research Laboratory. The wildfire indicators that are based on the U.S. Forest Service National Fire-Danger Rating System (NFDRS) are the simulations from the fire model of the Global ECMWF Fire Forecast (GEFF). The meteorolgical variables that force the fire model are from the current version of NCEP GEFS (GEFSv12) real time operational forecasts. The forecast system covers the spatial domain of contiguous United States.
Wildfire danger index:
- Spread component (SC): Forward rate of spread at the head of the fire in feet per minute (ft/min);
- Energy release component (ERC): Potential available energy at the head of the fire (25Btu/ft^2);
- Ignition component ( IC): Numerical rating of the probability that a fire that requires suppression action will result if a firebrand is introduced into a fine fuel complex (%);
- Burning index (BI): Metric of flame length in feet at the head of a fire (10 ft).
Meteorological variables displayed in the page include: 24hr precipitation acumulation, local noon cloud cover, 24hr min 2m relative humidity and max temperature, and local noon wind speed.
Burning Index |
Ignition Component |
Energy Release Component |
Spread Component |
Precipitation |
Cloud Cover |
Humidity |
Temperature |
Wind Speed |