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Forecast of Tropical SSTs Using Linear Inverse Modeling (LIM)

contributed by Cécile Penland, Klaus Weickmann,

Catherine Smith and Ludmila Matrosova

NOAA-CIRES/Climate Diagnostics Center, Boulder, Colorado 80309-0449

Using the methods previously described in issues of the Experimental Long-Lead Forecast Bulletin, in Penland and Magorian (1993), and in Penland and Matrosova (1997), the pattern of IndoPacific sea-surface temperature anomalies (SSTAs; Fig. 1), as well as SSTA in the Niño 3 region (6oN-6oS, 90 -150 oW; Fig. 2a), the SSTA in the Niño 4 region (6oN-6oS, 150oW-160oE; Fig. 2b), the tropical North Atlantic (Figs. 3 and 4), and the Caribbean (Figs. 3 and 5) are predicted. A prediction at lead time is made by applying a statistically-obtained Green function G() to an observed initial condition consisting of SSTAs in an appropriate domain. Although the parameters of the model are obtained statistically, the dynamical assump-tion of stable linearity implicit in the method (an assumption that in the case of tropical SSTs is largely corroborated by data) requires a fixed-point attractor in phase space. The technique, therefore, cannot be considered a purely statistical prediction method (Penland 1989; Penland and Sardeshmukh 1995). Data have been provided by NCEP, courtesy of R.W. Reynolds. Two sets of predictor/predictands are used, one for the IndoPacific and one for the tropical Atlan-tic. In both cases, three-month running means of the temperature anomalies are used, the seasonal cycle has been removed, and the data have been projected onto the 20 leading empirical orthogonal functions (EOFs).

The prediction of IndoPacific SSTAs uses tropical SSTAs in the region 30oN-30oS, 30oE-70oW as predic-tors. The COADS 1950-79 climatological annual cycle has been removed, and the leading 20 EOFs explain about 70% of the variance. The Niño 3 region has an RMS temperature anomaly of about 0.7oC; the inverse modeling prediction method has an RMS error of about 0.5oC at a lead time of nine months and approaches the RMS value at lead times of 18 months to two years. The predicted IndoPacific SSTA patterns based on the SON 1997 initial condition for the following DJF, MAM, JJA and SON are shown in Fig. 1 (contour interval = 0.2oC). Figure 2a shows the predictions (light solid lines) of the Niño 3 anomaly for initial conditions JJA, JAS, ASO, and SON, 1997. Light dotted lines indicate the 1 standard deviation expected error for the prediction assuming a perfect model based on the MAM 1997 initial conditions. Figure 2b is the same, but for the Niño 4 region. Verifications including the truncation error (heavy dotted line) and omitting the truncation error (heavy solid line) are also shown. Nearly all the SSTA variability in Niño 3 has been contained in the leading 20 EOFs until recently. Lately, however, the contribution to the Niño 3 anomaly from the leading 20 EOFs has dropped while the full Niño 3 SST anomaly has continued to rise. Our forecasts are based on the truncated field and predict a significant cold event to develop by fall of 1998. The contribution to the Niño 4 SST anomaly from the leading 20 EOFs has continued to rise, as has the full anomaly, with the truncated value being slightly larger.

The prediction of tropical Atlantic SSTAs is confined to the north tropical Atlantic (NTA) and Caribbean (Car) sectors (Fig. 3) since persistence is a remarkably good predictor of SSTA in the equatorial and south tropical Atlantic (Penland and Matrosova 1997). The added predictability in the northern tropical Atlantic is primarily due to the effect of El Niño, so SSTAs in the global tropical strip (30oN-30oS) are used as predictors. Forecast skill is indicated in the March 1997 issue of this Bulletin. The COADS annual cycle has been removed from three-month running means of SSTs and anomalies were projected onto the leading 20 EOFs containing about 67% of the variance. The predictions are characterized by an upturn of SSTA in those regions (Figs. 4 and 5), possibly due to the influence of the current warm event in the Pacific.

Penland, C., 1989: Random forcing and forecast-ing using Principal Oscillation Pattern Analysis. Mon. Wea. Rev., 117, 2165-2185.

Penland, C. and T. Magorian, 1993: Prediction of Niño 3 sea-surface temperatures using linear inverse- modeling. J. Climate, 6, 1067-1076.

Penland, C. And P.D. Sardeshmukh, 1995: The optimal growth of tropical sea surface temperature anomalies. J. Climate, 8, 1999-2024.

Penland, C. and L. Matrosova, 1997: Prediction of tropical Atlantic sea surface temperatures using Linear Inverse Modeling. J. Climate, 10, in press.

Fig. 1. Linear inverse modeling forecasts of SST anomalies, relative to the standard 1950-79 COADS climatology both for the training period (1950-84) and for these forecasts. Forecast anomalies are projected onto 20 leading EOFs, based on Sep-Oct-Nov 1997 initial conditions (top panel). Contour interval is 0.2oC. Positive anomalies are represented by heavy solid lines, negative anomalies by dashed lines. SST data have been provided by NCEP, courtesy of R.W. Reynolds, and summarized onto COADS-compatible monthly statistics at CDC. Prediction by linear inverse modeling is described in Penland and Magorian (1993: J. Climate, 6, 1067-1076).

Fig. 2. (a): Linear Inverse modeling predictions (light solid lines) and verifications (heavy solid lines) of Niño 3 SSTA. Light dotted lines indicate 1 standard deviation error bars appropriate to a stable linear system driven by stochastic forcing, based on the Jun-Jul-Aug 1997 initial condition. Anomalies were calculated as described in the Fig. 1 caption, using 20 EOFs. The contribution to the verification by the 20 leading EOFs (heavy dashed lines) and the verification including the truncation error (heavy solid lines) are shown. (b): As in (a) but for the Niño 4 region.

Fig. 3. Map showing the North Tropical Atlantic (NTA) and Caribbean (CAR) regions, within which the average SSTA is predicted.

Fig. 4. Time series of linear inverse modeling (LIM) predictions (light solid line) of NTA SSTA for lead times of 3, 6, 9 and 12 months. Also shown are the verification series (heavy solid line) and the one standard deviation confidence interval appropriate to the LIM forecasts (dotted lines).

Fig. 5. As in Fig. 4, but for the Caribbean region.

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