CD Organization

|-- CD.ORG        this file
|-- DATE.DAT      date code [for your programs], cd-rom version number
|-- DEMO.BAT      demo for MS-DOS/Windows
|-- README        Introduction & data organization
|-- README.DOS    readme for MS-DOS/Windows
|-- README.UNX    readme for Unix
|-- START.BAT     sets path, etc. for using GrADS with MS-DOS
|-- TITLE         cd-rom title, copyright notice for GrADS
|-- TEXT
|     |
|     |-- DETAILS
|     |     |
|     |     \-- (Random notes on details of Reanalysis)
|     |
|     |-- GRIB
|     |     |
|     |     |-- GRIB.PS  (GRIB documentation, postscript)
|     |     |-- GRIB.TXT (GRIB documentation, text)
|     |     \-- (various tables)
|     |
|     |-- INTRO
|     |     |
|     |     \-- (BAMS paper that describes the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis Project)
|     |
|     |-- LISTS
|     |     |
|     |     \-- (Listing of the data on the CD-ROM)
|     |
|     \-- TABLE.IDS
|         (Table of data fields: units, file name interpretation, formats, etc)
|     |
|     |-- GRADS.DOC (some notes about GrADS)
|     |-- GRADS.MSG (how to obtain GrADS for workstations and mainframes)
|     |
|     |-- MISC
|     |     |
|     |     \-- (scripts to make GrADS control and index files)
|     |
|     |-- PCGRADS
|     |     |
|     |     |-- GRADSCRU.PS (GrADS documentation, postscript)
|     |     |-- GRADSCRU.TXT (GrADS documentation, text)
|     |     |-- (PC-GrADS)
|     |     \-- WINDOWS
|     |           |
|     |           \-- GV (GrADS viewer, Windows pgm to print/export plots)
|     |
|     |-- WGRIB
|     |     |
|     |     \-- ('universal' program to read Reanalysis GRIB data)
|     |
|     \-- X2GRAD
|           |
|           |-- (program to convert IEEE cross-sections to GrADS)
|           \-- (GrADS scripts to read cross-sections, uses x2grad)
|-- DATA  (most data is in GRIB)
|     |
|     |-- AT00Z
|     |     |
|     |     \-- (daily 00Z analyses, isentropic data)
|     |
|     |-- AT00Z12Z
|     |     |
|     |     \-- (daily 00Z & 12Z analyses, tropospheric, surface)
|     |
|     |-- AT12Z
|     |     |
|     |     \-- (daily 12Z analyses, stratospheric data)
|     |
|     |-- DAILY
|     |     |
|     |     \-- (daily averages, tropospheric, surface, top of atmos.)
|     |
|     |-- FIXED
|     |     |
|     |     \-- (fixed fields, surface elevation, land mask)
|     |
|     |-- IEEE
|     |     |
|     |     |-- CROSS
|     |     |     |
|     |     |     \-- (monthly mean vertical cross-sections, f77 IEEE)
|     |     |         (see PROGRAMS\X2GRADS\ to convert to GrADS format)
|     |     |
|     |     \-- CROSSVAR
|     |           |
|     |           \-- (variance vertical cross-sections, f77 IEEE)
|     |               (see PROGRAMS\X2GRADS\ to convert to GrADS format)
|     |
|     |-- OBS
|     |     |
|     |     \-- (obs. daily outgoing long-wave radiation, obs. precip.)
|     |
|     \-- MONTHLY (monthly means and variances)
|           |
|           |-- AT00Z
|           |     |
|           |     \-- (monthly means for 00Z cycle)
|           |
|           |-- AT06Z
|           |     |
|           |     \-- (monthly means for 06Z cycle)
|           |
|           |-- AT12Z
|           |     |
|           |     \-- (monthly means for 12Z cycle)
|           |
|           |-- AT18Z
|           |     |
|           |     \-- (monthly means for 18Z cycle)
|           |
|           |-- OTHER
|           |     |
|           |     \-- (monthly means that are not on pressure, theta levels
|           |          or the surface. includes clouds, 2 m temp, 10 m winds)
|           |
|           |-- OTHERVAR
|           |     |
|           |     \-- (monthly variance that are not on pressure, theta levels
|           |          or the surface. includes 2 m temp, 10 m winds)
|           |
|           |-- PRS
|           |    |
|           |    |-- ALL.PRS (up to 17 levels of monthly means)
|           |    \-- (stream function, velocity potential at 850 and 200 mb)
|           |
|           |-- PRSVAR
|           |    |
|           |    \-- ALL.PRS (up to 17 levels of monthly variances)
|           |
|           |-- SFC
|           |    |
|           |    \-- (monthly mean surface analyses)
|           |
|           |-- SFCVAR
|           |    |
|           |    \-- (variance of surface analyses)
|           |
|           |-- THT
|           |    |
|           |    \-- ALL.THT (monthly mean isentropic analyses)
|           |
|           \-- THTVAR
|                |
|                \-- ALL.THT (variance of isentropic analyses)
|-- INDEX (GrADS index files)
|     |
|     \-- (for directory/file structure, see directory DATA)
|-- CTL (lower-case GrADS control files, PCs & most Unix systems)
|     |
|     \-- (for directory/file structure, see directory DATA)
|-- CTLUC (upper-case GrADS control files, some Unix systems)
|     |
|     \-- (for directory/file structure, see directory DATA)
\-- CTLSEMIC (upper-case semicolon GrADS control files, some Unix systems)
      \-- (for directory/file structure, see directory DATA)
