CFSR: products and notes
The Climate Forecast System Reanalysis (CFSR) creates analyses
using a modified version of the Global Forecast System (GFS) coupled
with a MOM4 ocean model. The system has
been documented in the Bulletin of the Meteorological Society
(Saha et al. 2010).
One advantage of the CFSR over the ealier NCEP global reanalyses
is the higher resolution (Gaussian grid is ~35 km). As a result, the
analyses is more useful for people who are interested in their
local conditions rather than the global patterns. Given the
recent release of the CFSR (at time of writing), it is prudent
that users evaluate the CFSR products before using them. With
time, the community will know the strengths and weaknesses of the
various CFSR products but until that time, "trust but verify".
CFSR based products
#days >= 30C (heat zones) is one factor for plant growth
plant hardiness zones a USDS-like index based on average minimum temperatures
growing degree days (GDD) a factor in plant growth
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