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HOME > Monitoring_and_Data > Oceanic and Atmospheric Data > Reanalysis: Atmospheric Data > wgrib2 -last0

wgrib2: -last0


The -last0 FILE option writes the results of the previous option to the beginning of FILE. The FILE can be a disk file, temporary file or memory file. If the -last option preceeds any inventory options, then the "grib message number[.submessage number:byte location" will be written to the file.

The -last0 option was designed for callable wgrib2. This allows calls to wgrib2 to obtain inventory information. Note the -s_out FILE option should be replaced by the more powerful -s -last FILE syntax.

The -last0 option does not write to the inventory, so if you have two consecutive -last0 options, the second -last0 will have zero output. With wgrib2 v3.0.0+, the -last and -last0 options will not clear the last option output buffer. So the the second -last0 option will have the same output as the immediately preceeding -last or -last0 option.


-last0 FILE
See also: -last

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