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HOME > Monitoring_and_Data > Oceanic and Atmospheric Data > Reanalysis: Atmospheric Data > wgrib2 -scaling_0001

wgrib2: -scaling_0001


The standard NCEP post-processor uses data files that specify the precision of every field (grid values have values of i*10^j*2^k, where j and k are specified by the data file). Different models may have different precisions even though they use the same NCEP post-processor.

Wgrib2, by default, writes new fields using the ECMWF-style which specifies the binary precision, n. (grid values have values i*2^j, where the values of i ranges from 0 to 2^(n+1) - 1)

The -scaling_0001 option converts a field from ECMWF-style precision to NCEP-style precision. Since everybody has a different scaling, -scaling_0001 was designed to be an example on how to write an option that applies your precisions. I am assuming that are creative enough that there will be no duplicate names. I will include scaling_* to the wgrib2 distributions.




wgrib2 IN.grb -scaling_0001 -set_grib_type c3 -grib_out OUT.grb

To add your own Scaling

1) cd (wherever)/grib2/wgrib2
2) cp Scaling_0001.c Scaling_mymodelv1.c
          (note code needs to start with a capital)
3) edit Scaling_mymodelv1.c
     don't forget to change scaling_0001 to scaling_mymodelv1 everywhere
4) cd ..
(compile wgrib2 using directions)

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Page last modified: July 10, 2014
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