Globally-merged, full-resolution (~4 km) IR data formed from the ~11 micron
IR channels aboard the GMS-5, GOES-8, Goes-10, Meteosat-7 and Meteosat-5
geostationary satellites are available every 1/2 hour can be downloaded from
CPC ftp server for
the past 7 days. The most recent data on the server is 3 days older than present time due to
agreements with the European community. The data have been corrected for
zenith angle dependence to reduce discontinuities between adjacent
geostationary satellites. Documentation is available that describes the data format and
structure on CPC ftp server.
Janowiak J. E., R. J. Joyce, and Y. Yarosh, 2001: A Real-Time
Global Half-hourly Pixel-Resolution Infrared Dataset and Its Applications.
(Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., vol. 82, No.3., 205-217.)