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Predictable Patterns of Asian-Australian Monsoon Climate in the NCEP Couple Forecast System
Jianyin Liang

China Meteorological Administration, Guangzhou, China
(Currently on a visit to CPC/NCEP)

Date:  Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Time:  10:00 AM
Place:   Room 707, NOAA Science Center
            5200 Auth Road
            Camp Springs, MD 20746


The predictable patterns of the Asian and Indo-Pacific climate in the NCEP CFS are depicted by applying a maximized signal-to-noise empirical orthogonal function analysis. The CFS captures the two most dominant modes of observed climate patterns. For summer, the most dominant mode is characterized by the climate features of the onset years of ENSO, with strong precipitation signals over the tropical eastern Indian and western Pacific oceans, Southeast Asia, and tropical Asian monsoon regions. The second most dominant mode is characterized by the climate features of the decay years of ENSO, with weakening signals over the western-central Pacific and strengthening signals over the Indian Ocean. The CFS, which is highly skillful in capturing the air-sea interaction processes associated with the precipitation features as demonstrated in sea surface temperature and wind patterns, is capable of predicting the most dominant modes several months in advance. The predictable patterns in CFS for other seasons will also be presented.

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Directions from Washington Beltway 495: Take exit 7B (Branch Ave), make a right at first signal, and the building is immediately on your left.

NOAA/ National Weather Service
NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction
Climate Prediction Center
5830 University Research Court
College Park, Maryland 20740
Page Author: Climate Prediction Center Internet Team
Page last modified: October 6, 2006
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