Canonical Correlation Forecast for Nino 3.4 Region: 0-4 Season Lead
MARCH 2022

Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) forecast of sea-surface temperature anomalies for the Nino 3.4 region (5N-5S, 120W-170W) for the upcoming year of three-month overlapping periods. The CCA predictions are based on anomaly patterns of sea level pressure, tropical Pacific SST, and heat content of the upper 300 meters of the near-equator tropical Pacific (10S to 10N). Small squares at the midpoints of the vertical forecast bars represent the CCA predictions, and the bars show the one (thick) and two (thin) standard deviation errors. The triangles and line represent the observed three-month mean SST anomaly in the Nino 3.4 region up to the most recently available data.